Last updated: 09.08.2024

As a user of our services, we want you to understand how we handle the data we collect about you. This privacy policy explains what data we collect, how we do it and what we use the data for.


Personal data refers to information and assessments that can be linked to an individual. This can include, for example, a name, address, phone number, email address, IP address, or a combination of these that allows for identifying the person behind the data.

All use of personal data is considered processing of personal data, which includes activities such as collection, registration, compilation, storage, and disclosure, or a combination of these. The processing of personal data is regulated by the Personal Data Act.

On this website, we anonymously log information about all visitors. We primarily use cookies for traffic measurement and content optimization. This information cannot be traced back to you as an individual. 


HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS is the data controller for personal data processed in connection with the use of our services and products, as well as the personal data we collect and process for the purposes outlined below. As HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS is the data controller, HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS has responsibilities and obligations under the Personal Data Act.

If HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS chooses another company to be responsible for processing personal data, meaning data about you, this company is referred to as a data processor. In cases where we use data processors, we ensure that data processing agreements are in place to regulate how the data processor can handle the data that is made available. The standard practice is that the agreement allows the data processor to process personal data only on behalf of HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS and for clearly and explicitly defined purposes, as required by the regulations on the processing of personal data.

Cookies - how do they work?

"Cookies" are a standard technology used by most websites today. A cookie is a small text file placed in your browser's memory that allows us to see what you click on, how you navigate the website, and how the website's content performs. We also collect information such as navigation patterns, visit times, browser version, etc., to tailor our website's content to you as best as possible. Most browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) are set to accept cookies automatically, but you can choose to change your settings to not accept cookies. Please note that many websites may not function optimally if you do not accept cookies.

Which cookies do we use?

Google Analytics
We use the analytics tool Google Analytics to study traffic, usage patterns, and trends on this website. The data collected is used to optimize the user experience and tailor the content on the site. According to Google's guidelines for the use of Google Analytics, no personal information about you as a user is collected. The data collected is stored on Google's servers.

How to I delete cookies?

Most browsers are typically set to accept cookies by default. Please note that you can delete cookies by following the instructions for clearing cookies in your browser. You can find this information in the "Help" function of your browser. Be aware that restricting access to cookies may affect the functionality of our website.

If you want to remove cookies from your PC, you can use these guides:

Internet Explorer: 

How do we collect information about you?

 Most of the data we have about you is generated when you use our services. Examples include page views and information about your device (PC, mobile, tablet).

1. Information you share with us
When you use a form, you will provide certain data that is stored with us. This information is saved in our databases so that we can respond to your contact request.

2. Information collected through the use of services
When you use our services, we record information about which services you use and how you use them. We do this to improve the user experience, service content, prevent fraud, and tailor content and advertisements to your usage and interest patterns.

3. Information from other sources
We receive information from other sources, such as ad networks, customers, analytics tools, or other third parties, to help us or them understand usage patterns, your preferences, or generally improve the services we offer to better suit your needs and interests.

How do we use the information we have collected about you?

All the personal data we have collected is used to understand and improve our services and products, ensuring that you have the best possible user experience on our websites. HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS continuously works to provide you with the best possible experience of our services at all times. To achieve this, we use the personal data we have collected in several ways:

- To deliver services and optimise service functionality
HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS processes personal data and other types of data to deliver the services agreed upon with you. We also use data to ensure the best possible user experience, including automatic login, customizing content display to your screen, and ensuring the fastest possible loading times for pages.

- For statistics and understanding market trends
We compile statistics and analyze market trends to improve and further develop our websites.

- To personalise services
We aim to offer you tailored content and customizations. We do this by using data about your user behavior, preferences, or other available information. This helps us understand your needs and desires, allowing us to, for example, remove content you've already read from the homepage or from recommended article lists. We can also provide you with recommendations on content or services based on what you've read or purchased. Additionally, we offer recommendations based on what other users with similar usage patterns have read.

Marketing information via email and text message (SMS)

If you have an active customer relationship with HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, we may send you marketing communications via email or other electronic methods within the framework of the Marketing Act, unless you have requested otherwise. If you do not have an active customer relationship with us, we will only send such marketing communications if you have given us explicit and informed consent.

How will this information be shared?

In some cases, we share information with partners who use this data to deliver targeted content and offers through their services. In such instances, we enter into agreements that limit the use of the data and establish obligations to comply with applicable data protection laws.

If there is suspicion of illegal activity in connection with the use of our services, information may be disclosed to public authorities upon request.

We will not share, sell, or distribute personal data in any way other than as described in this privacy policy.

Correction and deletion of personal data

It is important that the information we have collected about you is accurate and up-to-date. If you discover any errors, we encourage you to contact us so that the information can be corrected. You can also reach out to us if you would like the information to be deleted.

We will not store personal data longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing and to comply with our legal obligations, such as those required by accounting laws.

Our analytics and third-party tools

HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS uses analytics tools to gather information about how our services are used. We use Google Analytics to measure, among other things, the number of visitors, which pages are visited, how long a visit lasts, and similar metrics.

User and traffic statistics are typically used and applied in aggregate form, so the statistics do not contain any information that can be directly linked to you as an identified person.

Children's privacy

HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS does not wish to collect or otherwise process personal data about children under the age of 15.

If children under 15 have provided us with personal information, we will delete the information as soon as we become aware of the situation.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may periodically update the privacy policy for the services of HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS to reflect any changes on our websites. When we update the privacy policy, the new policy will be published on the websites 14 days before the changes take effect. We will inform you of the changes through the affected services.

Contact information

If you have any questions relating to our privacy policy or cookies, you can contact us at