Over 70 years of intellectual property

Håmsø Patentbyrå AS

Since 1950, we've been dedicated to protecting the ideas that drive you forward, with a focus on practical, down-to-earth advice.

Highly trusted, client-focused

Høy og allsidig kompetanse

Våre rådgivere har teoretisk og praktisk kompetanse innen en rekke fagfelt og teknologier. Alle har universitets- eller høyskoleutdannelse, og flere har doktorgrad. Flesteparten av rådgiverne er sertifiserte europeiske patentfullmektiger (EQE eller EPA).

Våre administratorer har lang administrativ praksis, og våre systemer for saksbehandling og fristovervåking er fra førende bransjeleverandører og holdes oppdatert.

Recognised as one of Europe's finest – again!

For the fifth year in a row, Håmsø Patentbyrå is ranked as one of the top patent law firms in Europe by the Financial Times, and we're honoured to be the only one in Norway to receive this recognition.

This series of awards acknowledges the value our services bring to our clients both in Norway and abroad, as well as our unrelenting commitment to quality.

Internationally connected

Assisting you beyond Norway's borders

With years of experience filing and prosecuting patent, design, and trademark applications both in Norway and around the world, we’re here to manage your filings wherever your ideas take you.

Since 2018, Håmsø Patentbyrå has proudly served as the Scandinavian representative in the international AIPEX network, providing streamlined management of global IP portfolios.

Contact us


Patents protect the technical aspects of an invention, including what they are, how they work, and what they do.
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Registered trade marks are used to protect brand names, logos, slogans, and even distinctive sounds and smells associated with a company or product.
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Registered designs protect the physical appearance of a product. This includes the shape, configuration, pattern, or ornamentation that gives the product a unique appearance.
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